Photovoltaic Glossary
In this section terms most often used in solar energy engineering and photovoltaics are explained. This glossary was compiled from several mostly internet sources. For sources, details and additional information please see section Literature and additional information at the bottom of the page.
Absorption coefficient -
the factor by which photons are absorbed as they travel a unit distance
through a material.
Air mass index -
length of a pat through the earth's atmosphere traversed
by the direct solar beam, expressed as a multiple of the path traversed
to a point at sea level with the sun directly overhead. Air mass index is defined at
standard barometric pressure. The reference spectrum for standard test conditions (STC)
was defined to be AM1.5
Alternating current - electric current in
which the direction of flow is reversed at frequent intervals.
Amorphous semiconductor - a
non-crystalline semiconductor material manufactured by depositing
layers of doped silicon on a substrate.
Amorphous silicon - silicon without crystalline structure.
Ampere (A) -
unit of electric current. The rate of flow of electrons in a conductor
equal to one coulomb per second.
Ampere hour (Ah) -
the quantity of electrical energy equal to the flow of current of one
ampere for one hour.
Anode -
the positive electrode in an
electrochemical cell (battery).
Antireflection coating - a thin coating of a
material, which reduces the light reflection and increases light
transmission, applied to a photovoltaic cell surface.
Array - electrically connected photovoltaic (PV)
Array current - The electrical current produced by a PV array.
Azimuth - horizontal angle
measured clockwise from true north (180° is true south). In solar energy engineering azimuth
is measured from south toward W or E (0° is true south, toward west negative)
Base load - the average
amount of electric power that a utility must supply in any period.
- a device that converts the chemical energy directly into electrical energy
by means of an electrochemical reaction.
Battery capacity - the total number of ampere-hours that can
be withdrawn from a fully charged battery at a
specified discharge rate and temperature.
- Building Integrated Photovoltaics; A term for the design and integration of PV into
the building envelope, typically replacing conventional building
materials. This integration may be in vertical facades, replacing
view glass or other facade material; into
roofing systems, over windows; or other building envelope
Blocking diode - a diode used to restrict or block reverse current
from flowing backward through a module. It protects modules against the risk of
thermal destruction of solar cells due reverse power flow.
Bypass diode - a diode
connected anti-parallel across a part of
the solar cells of a PV module. It protects solar cells from
destruction in case of total or partial shading of individual
solar cells.
Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) - A polycrystalline thin-film photovoltaic
Capacity - see battery capacity.
Cathode - the negative electrode in an electrochemical cell. Also,
the negative terminal of a diode.
Cathodic protection - a method of preventing oxidation (rusting) of
exposed metal structures, such as bridges and pipelines, by imposing
between the structure and the ground a small electrical voltage.
Charge Controller
- a device that controls the charging rate and/or state of charge
for batteries.
Chemical vapour deposition -
a method of depositing thin semiconductor
films. A substrate is exposed to one or more
vaporized compounds, one or more of which contain desirable
CIS - Copper-Indium-Diselelide.
Converter - electrical device that converts a DC or AC voltage to
another DC or AC voltage. For DC/AC conversion see inverter, for DC/DC convertion see DC/DC converter.
Crystalline silicon - silicon made from a single crystal or
poly-crystalline slice of silicon.
Current - the flow of electric charge in a conductor between two
points having a difference in potential (voltage).
Cutoff voltage - the voltage levels
(activation) at which the charge controller disconnects the array
from the battery or the load from the battery.
Czochralski Process - a method of growing
high quality semiconductor crystal by slowly lifting a
seed crystal from a molten bath of the material under careful cooling
conditions. Method was invented by polish engineer Jan Czohralski.
Cycle - the discharge and subsequent charge cycle of a battery.
DC/DC Converter - electronic
cirquit that converts DC voltages into other
levels. Usually it is part of a maximum power point
trackers (MPPT) and charge regulators.
Deep cycle - discharged to a large fraction of capacity
many times without damaging the battery.
Depth of discharge - the percent of
the rated battery capacity that has been withdrawn. Sometimes also expressed as abbreviation DoD.
Diffuse radiation - radiation
received from the sun after scattering and reflection by the
atmosphere and ground.
Diode - electronic part that allows current flow only in one direction.
Direct radiation - radiation received by direct solar rays.
Measured by a pyrheliometer with a solar aperture of 5.7° to
transcribe the solar disc. Sometimes also expressed as "beam radition".
Direct Current (DC) - electric current
flowing in only one direction.
Duty cycle - the ratio
of active time to total time. Used to describe the operating regime
of appliances or loads in PV systems.
DVM - digital Volt-meter.
- the ratio of output power (or energy) to input power (or energy).
Expressed in percent.
EFG - Edge-defined Film-fed Growth. A
method for making sheets of polycrystalline silicon in which molten
silicon is drawn upward by capillary action through a mold.
Electrolyte - The medium that provides the ion transport
mechanism between the positive and negative electrodes of an electrochemical cell (battery).
Electric current - a flow of electrons; electricity.
Electrical grid - an integrated system of electricity distribution,
usually covering a large area.
Electron-volt (eV) - an energy unit equal to the energy an electron
acquires when it passes through a potential difference of one volt; it is
equal to 1.602 x 10-19 V.
Equalisation charge - the process of mixing
the electrolyte in batteries by short periodically overcharging of the
EVA - Ethylene-Vinyl-Acetate Foil. It is a copolymer of ethylene and
vinyl acetate. It is used for solar cell encapsulation during module production.
Fill Factor (FF) - the ratio of the maximum power to the product of the
open-circuit voltage and the short-circuit current (for an I-V
curve, ).
Fixed Tilted Array - a photovoltaic
array with fixed inclination angle with respect to horizontal.
Frequency - the number of cycles per unit time expressed in Hertz (Hz).
Gassing - gas by-products (hydrogen), produced during charging
of a battery.
Gallium arsenide (GaAs) - a crystalline
semiconductor/photovoltaic material.
Gel Type Battery - lead-acid battery in which the electrolyte is
composed of a gel.
- term used to describe an electrical utility distribution network.
Grid-connected PV system - a PV system which is connected to the grid.
Hybrid System
- a PV system that includes other sources of electricity
generation, such as wind, fuel cell or diesel generators.
I-U Characteristics -
the current versus voltage characteristics of a solar cell,
module, or array. Important points of the I-V characteristic are the
open-circuit voltage, short-circuit current, maximum power point.
Incident radition - solar radiation incident on
solar cell or module.
Irradiation - the solar radiation incident on an area over time.
Equivalent to energy and expressed in J/m2. In technical practise
kilowatt-hours per square meter is more often used.
Inverter - also named Power Conditioning Unit (PCU), or Power Conditioning System (PCS).
An inverter converts DC power from the array (battery) to AC power
compatible with the utility (loads).
Irradiance - the solar radiation incident on a surface.
Usually expressed in kW/m2.
Joule (J) - Unit of energy
1 J = 1/3600 kWh.
Junction Box - a PV
generator junction box is an enclosure on the module back side,
where electrical contacts and protection devices (if used) are located.
Kilowatt (kW) - a unit of power.
Kilowatt Hour (kWh) - A unit of energy. Power
multiplied by time equals energy.
Load - the amount of electric power used by any electrical appliance
at any given time.
Load current - the current required by the electrical device (load).
Low voltage cutoff - the voltage level at which a controller
will disconnect the load from the battery.
Maintanace free battery - a sealed battery
which does not require maintance during lifetime.
- the smallest replaceable unit in a PV array.
- metal-oxid-silicon field effect transistor; used as semiconductor
power switch in charge regulators, inverters etc.
- maximum power point; the point on the current-voltage (I-V) characteristic
of a PV device, where the product of current and
voltage is maximal.
- maximum power point tracker; electrical cirquit that operates
at generators maximum power point. MPP tracker is part of inverter and charge
N-type silicon - silicon material that
has been doped with a material that has more electrons in its atomic
structure than silicon.
- nominal operating cell temperature. The estimated temperature of a
PV module when operating under 800 W/m2 irradiance, 20°C
ambient temperature and wind speed of 1 m/s. NOCT is
used to estimate the nominal operating temperature of a module in its
working environment.
Nominal Voltage - a reference voltage used to describe system, module
or battery.
Ohm (Ω) - the unit of electrical resistance.
One axis tracking - a system
capable of rotating about one axis.
Open cirquit voltage - the maximum voltage produced by an
illuminated photovoltaic cell, module, or array with no load
connected. This value will increase as the temperature of the PV
material decreases.
Operating point - the current and voltage that a module or array produces
when connected to a load. The operating point is dependent on the
load or the batteries connected to the output terminals of the array.
- forced charging of a fully charged battery. The battery can be damaged
if overcharged for a long period.
Panel - a designation for a number of PV modules assembled in a
single mechanical frame.
Peak load - the maximum load demand of a system.
Peak sun hours - the equivalent number of hours per day when solar
irradiance averages 1,000 W/m2 - one peak sun hours means
that the energy received during total daylight hours equals the
energy that would have been received had the irradiance for one hour
been 1,000 W/m2.
Peak Watt (Wp) - the amount of power a photovoltaic module will produce at
standard test conditions (normally 1,000 W/m2 and 25°
cell temperature).
Photon - a particle of light that acts as an individual unit of energy.
Its energy depends on wavelenght.
Photovoltaic system - an installation of PV
modules and other components designed to produce power from sunlight.
Polycrystalline silicon - a material used to
make PV cells which consist of many crystals as contrasted with
single crystal silicon.
Power factor - the cosine of the phase angle between the voltage and
the current waveforms in an AC circuit. Used as a designator for
inverter performance.
Primary battery - a battery whose initial capacity cannot be
restored by charging.
- an instrument used for measuring global solar irradiance.
- an instrument used for measuring direct beam solar irradiance. Uses
an aperture of 5.7° to transcribe the solar disc.
Rated module current - the current
output of a PV module measured at standard test conditions of 1,000 W/m2
and 25°C cell temperature.
Reactive power - the sine of the phase
angle between the current and voltage waveforms in an AC system.
- the property of a conductor which opposes the flow of an
electric current resulting in the generation of heat in the
conducting material.
Secondary battery - a battery that
can be recharged.
Self discharge - the rate at
which a battery, without a load, will lose its charge.
Series regulator - type of battery
charge regulator where the charging current is controlled by a switch
connected in series with the PV array.
Short cirquit current - the
current produced by module, or array when its
output terminals are shorted.
Silicon (Si) - a chemical
element, atomic number 14, semimetallic in nature, dark gray, an
excellent semiconductor material. A common constituent of sand and
quartz (as the oxide). The most common semiconductor material used in making
photovoltaic devices.
Single Crystall silicon - material
with a single crystalline formation.
Solar constant - the solar radiation at the edge of earth atmosphere,
1367 W/m2.
Stand alone system - A
photovoltaic system that operates independent of the utility grid.
Standard test conditions - conditions
under which a module is typically tested in a laboratory:
Irradiance of 1000 W/m2, AM 1.5 solar reference
spectrum, a cell (module) temperature of 25°C.
- a number of modules or panels interconnected electrically in series.
- any one of several components in a PV system (i.e. array,
controller, batteries, inverter, load).
Sun path diagram
- graphical representation of the Sun's height and azimuth.
System operating voltage - the
array output voltage under load.
Tilt Angle
- the angle
of inclination of a solar array measured from the horizontal.
Thin-film PV module - a
PV module constructed with layers of thin film
semiconductor materials.
Tracking array - a PV array that
follows the path of the sun. Tracking can be one-axis or two-axis tracking
where the array follows the sun in azimuth and elevation.
Transformer - converts the AC generator's voltage to higher
voltage levels suitable for transmission.
Trickle charge - a small charge current intended to maintain a battery in a
fully charged condition.
Two axis tracking - a system
capable of rotating independently about two axes (e.g., vertical and
Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) - a power supply
providing continuous uninterruptible service.
Utility interactive inverter - an inverter that can function only when
tied to the utility grid.
- a voltage-dependent variable resistor. Normally used as protection device against
power spikes or lightning strikes by
shunting the energy to ground.
Vented cell - a battery designed with
a vent mechanism to expel gases generated during charging.
Volt - the unit of electrical voltage force a current of
one ampere through a resistance of one Ohm.
Voltage at Maximum Power - The voltage at which maximum power is
available from a module.
Wafer - a thin sheet of semiconductor material made by
mechanicall sawing it from a single-crystal or multicrystal ingot or casting.
- The unit of electrical power. The power developed when a current of
one ampere flows through a potential difference of one volt.
Watt hour (Wh) - a
unit of energy equal to one watt of power connected for one hour.
Waveform - the characteristic shape of an AC current or voltage
Zenith angle -
the angle between vertical line and the line intersecting the sun. (90°-
More Information
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IEC/TS 61836, Solar photovoltaic energy systems - Terms, definitions and symbols. |
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Electrical School, A Glossary of Electrical Terms. |
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Renewable Resource Data Center (RReDC), Glossary of Solar Radiation Resource Terms. |