Market Reports
Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report 2016 - A lively read for companies, investors, governments, and other key players interested in the opportunities and challenges presented by the dynamic off-grid solar market. The report tracks the groundbreaking technological advances and innovative business models which have emerged to transform the lives of millions through affordable modern solar energy services. | |
Stratified Energy Access in Niger: SNV, 2014. | |
Lighting the World: A Business Model for Catalyzing Change. University of Michigan, Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise, May 2013. | |
Report on the Off-grid Lighting Status for Southeast Asia and the Pacific Report prepared for: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) - Global Environment Facility (GEF)en.lighten initiative. | |
A First Step up the Energy Ladder? Low Cost Solar Kits and Household's Welfare in Rural Rwanda: IZA DP No. 8594, 2014. | |
Mini-grid Policy Toolkit: contains information on mini-grid operator models, the economics of mini-grids, and necessary policy and regulation that must be considered for successful implementation. The publication specifically focuses on Africa. REN, 2014. | |
Review of Solar PV market development in East Africa: UNEP Riso Centre Working Paper, Series no. 12, March 2014. | |
Renewables 2014: Global Status Report, REN 21. | |
Target Market Study Tanzania, Solar PV & Wind Power Report. German Energy Desk, Nairobi, 2013. | |
Target Market Study Kenya, Solar PV & Wind Power Report. German Energy Desk, Nairobi, 2013. | |
Lighting Africa: Market Trends Report 2012. | |
Value Chain Analysis of lighting and Telephone Recharging Options in Off-grid Cameroon. S2, 2012. | |
An analysis of the off-grid lighting market in Rwanda: sales, distribution and marketing. GVEP International, 2012. | |
The Off-Grid Lighting Market in Sub-Saharan Africa: Market Research Synthesis Report, Lighting Africa 2011. | |
Solar Lighting for the Base of the Pyramid. Lighting Africa 2010. | |
Lighting Asia: Solar Off-Grid Lighting, IFC 2012. |
Historical Perspective
Energy and Development Report 2000, Energy Services for the World's Poor, FAO 2000. The Energy and Development Report is a publication by the Energy Unit of the World Bank's Infrastructure Group and the Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme. | |
Solar Photovoltaics for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development, FAO 2000. | |
Photovoltaic Applications in Rural Areas of the Developing World: World Bank, Technical Paper No.304, 1996. |