Social Impacts
Light Years Ahead, Innovative Technology for Better Refugee Protection, UNHCR. | |
Expanding Women's Role in Africa's Modern Off-Grid Lighting Market, Lighting Africa, 2011. | |
Solar Photovoltaics for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development, FAO, Rome, 2000. |
Environmental Impacts
Off-Grid Country Lighting Assesment, Modelling Methodology for Energy and Financial Savings Potential from Switching to Solar LED lanterns. UNEP/GEF 2013. | |
Impacts of Pico-PV Systems Usage using a Randomized Controlled Trial and Qualitative Methods, Impact evaluation of Netherlands supported programmes in the area of Energy and Development Cooperation in Rwanda. | |
Health Indicators of sustainable energy, in the Context of the Rio + 20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development. | |
Energy and Carbon Benefits of Pico-powered Lighting, Eco Design Notes, Issue 4, August 2014. | |
Low Carbon Mini Grids, Final report, 2013. |